Professor Ikuhara was elected as Microscopy Society of America Fellow, August 9, 2024.
MSA Fellows
Dr. Luiz Tizei of CNRS, gave a lecture on “Exploring nanoscale excitations with time-resolved electron spectroscopies”, March 29, 2024.
Professors Eva Olsson, Wu Zhou and Peng Gao gave lectures on “Revealing the role of individual molecules and strain in nanostructured materials using advanced and in situ electron microscopy”, "Single-atom microscopy and spectroscopy on 2D materials" and “Single-atom microscopy and spectroscopy on 2D materials”, March 22, 2024.
Three-dimensional atomic dynamics of Pt trimer is clarified by using high-spatiotemporal-resolution STEM by Prof. Ishikawa, Mr. Futazuka, Dr. Jimbo, Dr. Kawahara, Prof. Shibata and Prof. Ikuhara.
Professor Quentin Ramasse and Dr. Demie Kepatsoglou of SuperSTEM Lab., gave lectures on “Studying the chemistry and electronic properties of encapsulated molecular and atomic systems with monochromated STEM-EELS” and “Beyond vibrational spectroscopy: hunting the signature of elusive quasiparticles with monochromated STEM-EELS”, Feb. 2, 2024.
Professor Klaus van Benthem of UC Davis, gave a lecture on “Stressing interfaces to change microstructures or grow nanostructures”, Janually 24, 2024.
Professors Ikuhara and Shibata participated in the New Year's Lecture at the imperial palace, Janually 11, 2024.
Professor Patrick Cordier of University of Lille, gave a lecture on “Shear induced amorphization of olivine and the rheology of amorphous olivine”, December 19, 2023.
Professor Si-Young Choi of POSTECH, gave a lecture on “Ferroelectricity by phonon-decoupled oxygen tetrahedra in brownmillerite oxides”, December 14, 2023.
Professor Ikuhara participated in the Nobel Prize ceremony, December 10, 2023. (Upper photo) Stockholm Concert Hall, the venue of the ceremony, and Prof. Olsson explaining reason for the Nobel Prize in Physics.
(Lower photo) Prof. Ikuhara and the award ceremony day.
Professor Jianwei (John) Miao of UCLA, gave a lecture on “Three-Dimensional Atomic Structure of Crystal Defects and Amorphous Materials”, October 26, 2023.
Prof. Ikuhara, president of the Fulrath Award hosts a reception with the president of the American ceramic society and the Fulrath prize winners in Columbus, U.S.A., on October 3, 2023.
Dr. Sasano win Best Presentation Award at the ceramics society of Japan, the 36th fall meeting, September 21, 2023.
Professor Suk-Joong L. Kang of KAIST, gave a lecture on “What we should consider to obtain fully dense ceramics”, August 25, 2023.
Professor Junhao Lin of Southern University of Science and Technology, gave a lecture on “Atomic structure-properties study of defects in emerging 2D materials”, August 23, 2023.
Ms. Yan, Mr. Tabata and Mr. Imata win Poster Award at Young Researchers Workshop on New Materials Science on Nanoscale Structures and Functions of Crystal Defect Cores, August 1, 2023.
Professor Keith McKenna of University of York, gave a lecture on “Understanding extended defects in energy materials through first-principles calculations and electron microscopy”, May 15, 2023.
Professor Ikuhara win The Ichimura Prize in Science for Excellent Achievement, April 19, 2023.
Ichimura Prize in Science for Excellent Achievement
Professor Stephen Pennycook of University of Tennessee, gave a lecture on “From Z to A: Z-contrast's Guide to the Atomic World”, March 22, 2023.
The following papers have been selected in the collection of Nature Communications.
T. Futazuka et al., "Grain boundary structural transformation induced by co-segregation of aliovalent dopants", Nature Communications, 13 5299 (2022)
J. Wei et al., "Direct imaging of the disconnection climb mediated point defects absorption by a grain boundary", Nature Communications 13 1455 (2022)
Nature Communications collection
Professor Ikuhara and Professor Shibata win Japan Academy Prize, March 13, 2023.
Recipients of the Imperial Prize and the Japan Academy Prizes elected
Professor Yuichi Ikuhara win Henry Clifton Sorby Award, March 13, 2023.
Professor Angus Kirkland of Oxford University, gave a lecture on “Prospects and opportunities for electron ptychography at low dose”, February 28, 2023.
Prof. Lewys Jones, President of the Microscopy Society of Ireland, visited Prof. Yuichi Ikuhara, President of the Japanese Society of Microscopy, February 15, 2023.
Professor Shibata win Inoue Prize for Science, December 15, 2022.
Prof. Shibata win Inoue Prize for Science
Professor Ralf Riedel of Technische Universitat Darmstadt, gave a lecture on “Silicon/Tin-Based Anode Materials for Advanced Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries”, November 21, 2022.
Professor Marco Beleggia of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, gave a lecture on “Multipole phase tomography: a possible route towards 3D nanoscale field mapping with coherent electrons”, October 25, 2022.
Special grain boundary structures formed by the additive elements and their roles are clarified by Prof. Ikuhara, Prof. Shibata, Prof. Ishikawa, Mr. Futazuka. That news were reported by Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
The 22nd Workshop on Crystal Interface was held at Takeda Hall on September 8-9. Mr. Futazuka (D2) won the best presentation award, and Ms. Toyama (D3) and Mr. Imata (M1) won the excellent presentation award.
Professor David Rodney of University of Lyon, gave a lecture on “Atomistic modelling of dislocations and interfaces in metals and oxides”, April 20, 2022.
Atomic level sintering mechanism of ceramics is revealed by Dr.Wei, Prof. Feng, Prof. Tochigi, Prof. Shibata and Prof. Ikuhara. That news were reported by the each media.
Dr. Sasano won The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Metallography Awards of Excellence award March 15, 2022.
Dr. Shun Kondo who got PhD from our lab. and was a Postdoctoral Fellow, Chalmers University of Technology, came back to our lab. as an Assistant Professor, December 1st, 2021.
Our five students won the Grand Poster Award and other awards in the 64th Symposium of the Japanese Society of Microscopy November 26, 2021. Five winners and awards: Kosuke Ooe(3rd year PhD course) for The Grand Poster Award; Satoko Toyama(2nd year PhD course)for the same; Yoshiki Murakami(1st year PhD course)for The Grand Oral Presentation Award; Minjian Cao(2nd year master course)for the same; Kodai Tabata(1st year master course)for The Excellent Poster Award.
Project Associate Professor Ryo Ishikawa, Next Generation Electron Microscopy Social Cooperation Program, whose research theme "Direct observation of point defects in ceramics by atomic-resolution electron microscopy" was recognized and won the 42th Honda Memorial Young Researcher Award November 26, 2021.
Assistant Professor Eita Tochigi climbed to Associate Professor at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, October 16, 2021.
Takafumi Moriyama, a student in the doctoral couse, won the Excellent Presentation Award at the 34th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan, September 7, 2021.
Nature Materials featured our paper(JK Wei and etc. all, Nature Materials, 20, 951?955, 2021) in the News & Views published 24 June, 2021, and also featured it in the Editorial published 29 June, 2021.
Interface migration by phase transformations, News & Views, Nature Materials, 24 June, 2021.
Phases at the interface, Editorials, Nature Materials, 29 June, 2021.
Project Asosiate Professor Ryo Ishikawa, Next Generation Electron Microscopy Social Cooperation Program, won the Young Scientist Award by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology April 14, 2021.
The American Ceramics Society(ACerS) is released the ineterview for Professor Yuichi Ikuhara on thier website March 10, 2021.
ACerS's website
→ Publications→ ceramic Tech chat→ LISTEN TO CERAMIC THCH CHAT
→Scanning TEM unlocks grain boundary secrets: Yuichi Ikuhara
The anniversary Symposium which commemorates the cooperation with University of Tokyo and Nihon Denshi (JEOL)'s 15th anniversary Symposium was held on December 4 2020. The Business-Academia Cooperation Office uploaded the Director and Professor Y. Ikuhara 's lecture video on YouTube.
We are holding our laboratory tours for newly 4th grade students for the following date. We are planning to briefly introduce our laboratory, a quastion and Answer period and Microscopy tours. Please feel free to join us!
Crystal Interface Laboratory (Prof. Y. Ikuhara) Tour
Date | Day | Hour |
February 10 | Wed | 13:00~15:00 |
February 17 | Wed | 13:00~15:00 |
March 11 | Thu | 13:00~15:00 |
Place: Room 415, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 9 at Asano Section. |
Direct imaging of atomistic grain boundary migration : Visiting reseacher Jiake Wei, Project Associate Professor Bin Feng, Project Associate Professor Ryo Ishikawa, Professor Naoya Shibata, Professor Yuichi Ikuhara, Institute of Engineering Innovation, and other researchers.
Kosuke Ooe, a student in the doctoral course, whose research theme "Ultra-sensitive Real-time Imaging Technique Using Fast Segmented STEM Detectors" was recognized and won the Excellent Poster Award at the 63th Symposium of the Japanese society of Microscopy, December 20, 2020.
Shun Sasano, PhD candidate, won the Young Encouragement Prize at 14th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science online December 5, 2020.
Dr. Lin Jinghuang who is a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow from November 19 joined our laboratory from December 4, 2020.
Dr. Kei Nakayama and Ph.D.student Shun Sasano won the 45th Outstanding Ceramographic Award of the Ceramic Society of Japan November 26, 2020.
The Business-Academia Cooperation Office which was co-founded by the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Nihon Denshi (JEOL) in June 2005, had the fifteenth anniversary in June 2020. Next Generation Electron Microscopy Social Cooperation Program has been started from Aiprl 1st 2020. The Anniversary Symposium will be held on December 4 2020.
Next Generation Electron Microscopy Social Cooperation Program has released the new website October 22nd, 2020.
Lithium-ion battery charging process were revealed by Professor Yuichi Ikuhara, Professor Naoya Shibata, Project Associate Professor Ryo Ishikawa, Project Researcher Kei Nakayama, and other researchers. That news were widely reported by the each media.
Press releases in English:
Japanese media news:
「リチウム電池の充電過程解明、東大」 科学新聞(2020/9/11発売号紙面 第3面)
Next Generation Zirconia Social Cooperation Program was established in collaboration with School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan Fine Ceramics Center, WORLD LAB inc and Tosoh Corporation at the University of Tokyo July 1st, 2020.
Next Generation Electron Microscopy Social Cooperation Program was established in collaboration with School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo and JEOL Ltd. at The University of Tokyo July 1st 2020.
Electron Microscopy and Materials Science Laboratory that is oparated by Professor Naoya Shibata has released the new website April 1st, 2020.
Dr. Mitsuhiro Saito and others won The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Metallography Awards of Excellence award, and Dr, Akihito Kumamoto and others won The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Metallography Awards of Encouraging award March 17, 2020.
Dr. Mitsuhiro Saito and others won The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Metallography Awards of Excellence award, and Dr, Akihito Kumamoto and others won The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Metallography Awards of Encouraging award March 17, 2020.
Yoshiki Murakami, a first-year master's student, won the excellent reserch theme prize at the 62th Symposium of the Japanse Society of Microscopy held at Saitama City from November 29 to 30, 2019.
Dr. Shun Kondo and Dr. Eita Tochigi won the 44th Outstanding Ceramographic Award of the Ceramic Society of Japan.
Hiroaki Nakade, a first-year doctor's program student, won the excellent poster prize at the No. 82 workshop, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials held at Karuizawa from November 8 to 10, 2019.
Assistant professor Feng Bin won the excellent presentation prize at the 2019 Annual Meeting of China Electric Microscopy Society held at Hefei Fengda International Hotel, Hefei, China on October 15, 2019.
Professor Ralf Riedel of Technische Universitat Darmstadt and Fellow of School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, gave a lecture on “From Pottery to Battery Advanced Ceramic Energy Storage Materials”, October 3, 2019.
Shun Sasano and Saki Ishihara, second-year post-graduate students, won the gold prize and the silver prize of the excellent presentation at the young resercher meeting, "Crystal Defect Core” project held at Hamamatsu city, 25 September, 2019.
Professor Ralf Riedel of Technische Universitat Darmstadt and Fellow of School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, is now staying our lab. as a fellow of JSPS's Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan from August 21st to October 6th. He will give a lecture for us on October 3rd, 2019.
When:From 14:00, October 3, 2019
Where:Main meeting room at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 9
Kousuke Ooe, a first-year post-graduate student, won M&M Student Scholar Award at the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 (M&M 2019) held at Portland, U.S.A. in 5 August, 2019.
Dr. Bin Feng, Assistant Professor won The 1st Materials and Devices Joint Research Award April 23, 2019. On July 26, he received the certificate from The Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices.
Dr. Zhou Wu, PI, School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dr. Gao Peng, PI, Group Leader of International Center for Quantum Materials & Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Peking University, China gave lectures on "Low voltage aberration corrected STEM for 2D materials" and "STEM-EELS Probing Lattice Vibrations in Thin Films and Surface Phonon Polaritons in Nanostructures" , July 25, 2019.
Professor Stephen J. Pennycook, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, gave a lecture on "Materials under the microscope: From defects to functionality" to us.
Mr. David Gregory Hopkinson, a PhD Student of The University of Manchester, is going to study at our lab for two month as a JSPS Summer Profram fellow.
The mass media reported that Prof. Shibata and JEOL group has developed the world’s first magnetic field free STEM. Magnetic field free Atomic Resolution STEM, MARS, is the next generation atomic resolution electron microscope that makes direct observation of atoms possible in a magnetic free environment. They succeeded in direct observation of a magnetic material at the atomic level.
The press reported Prof. Ikuhara and Prof. Shibata group has developed a method to observe crack propagation in a material at the atomic level. NIKKEI BUSINESS DAILY reported on May 16, 2019
Professor Jurgen Rodel, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, gave a lecture on "Dislocation Networks in Oxides:A means for mechanical self-doping" to us.
Professor Yuichi Ikuhara was chosen the best teacher. The Faculty of Engineering Best Teaching Award was given him by Professor Tatsuya Okubo, the Dean, at the faculty meeting on March 7 afternoon, 2019.
Professor Dmitri A. Molodov, RWTH Aachen University, gave a lecture on "Resent research into grain/twin boundary mediated plasticity" to us.
Dr. Tochigi, Assistant Professor won The 12th Kazato Research Encouragement Prize by Kazato Research foundation at Keidanren Kaikan Conference, Tokyo on March 2nd, 2019.
Professor Ikuhara received recognition from the Dean, Tatsuya Ookubo, Prof., at the faculty meeting on Feburary 21 afternoon, 2019. The Dean's Awards recognize professors for their excellence in research and contributions to the faculty.
Professor Naoya Shibata received the 15th JSPS PRIZE from The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at a celemony held on Thursday, 7 February 2019 at the Japan Academy.
We are holding our laboratory tours for newly 4th grade students for the following date. We are planning to briefly introduce our laboratory, a quastion and Answer period and Microscopy tours. Please feel free to join us!
Date | Day | Hour |
February 13 | Wed | 13:00~15:00 |
February 20 | Wed | 13:00~15:00 |
February 26 | Tue | 13:00~15:00 |
Place: Room 415, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 9 at Asano Section. |
Professor Artem Abakumov, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, gave lecture on "How advanced transmission electron microscopy can contribute to battery research?" to us.
Prof.Iuhara, Dr. Mitsuhiro Saito, Dr. Kazutoshi Inoue and others discovered one-dimensional long-range ordered structure in ceramic. Each papers reported it in unison. The research paper has published at the Nature Material web site December 10, 2018.
Professor Jane Y. Howe, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, gave a lecture on "Solving materials problems on Moon and Earth via “Lab in the Gap” approach" to us.
Dr. Hail Song, Key Laboratory of Polar Materials and Devices and Electron Microscope Center, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, is now in traning at our Lab. during her 3 month stay.
Dr. Mathew Chisholm, Group Leader, Electron Microscopy Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, gave a lecture on "Seeing Atoms More Clearly" to us.
Professor Naoya Shibata won Richard M. Fulrath Award at the 120th Annual Meeting on Materials Science & Technology 2018, Columbus, Ohio, USA. He gaved the Award lecture Oct. 15 afternoon.
Dr Bing Feng, Assistant Professor, won the 28th Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Young Researcher Award at 2018 Fall Annual(163th) Meeting, Sendai, Japan, September 19, 2018.
Dr. Gabriel Sanchez Santolino who is formerly our lab's researcher, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spanish National Research Council, has come back to our lab. again. He is doing joint research with us during his 3 month stay.
Professor Yuichi Ikuhara won the 2018 Hatsujiro Hashimoto Medal at 19th International Microscopy Congress(IMC19) held at the International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, September 14, 2018.
Shun Sasano, a first-year post-graduate student, won the outstunding presentation award of the specific session at the 31st Fall Meeting of the Ceramic society of Japan held at Nagoya, September 6, 2018.
Miao Bin, a Ph.D. candidate, won Excellent Poster Award with "Direct observation of rhombohedral twinning dislocation in alumina (α-Al2O3) at atomic resolution" at JSPS Core-to-Core Japan Workshop 2018 "Nanoscale Electron-Phonon Interactions via Energy Dissipation and Fluctution", Koshiba Hall, the University of Tokyo, July 5th, 2018.
Professor Zhou Weilie, Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans and Dr. Sergei V. Kalinin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory gave lectures on "Three-dimensional Nanowire Arrays for Supercapacitors and Piezo-photo-magnetotronics Fabrication" and "Atomic Fabrication via Electron Beams: From Big Data to Atomic Robotics" to us.
Dr Ryo Ishikawa, Research Associate, won the Encouragement Award of Japan Society of Microscopy with "Structural analysis of point defects using atomic-resolution STEM" at the 74th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Microscopy, Kurume city, Japan, May 30, 2018.
Professor Ralf Riedel, Dean of the Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Institute of materials science, Technische Universitat Darmstadt and the Fellow of School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo gave a lecture on "Advanced High Pressure Nitrides" May 17, 2018.
Professor Ralf Riedel, Dean of the Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Institute of materials science, Technische Universitat Darmstadt and Fellow, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo is now in Japan. Fellow, School of Engineering, UT
Professor Randi Holmestad's group, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU) visited our laboratory May 11, 2018. Elise Brenne who studied at our lab. as an exchange student from NTNU, made a presentation on her studies.
Dr. Akihito Kumamoto, Project Resercher, was interviewed and the interviews are appearerd in the Naonotech Japan Bulletin site.
Riku Tanaka won Best Student Presentation Award at 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit held in Phoenix, Arizona, USA April 5, 2018.
Satoko Toyama won Dean’s Award FY2017 at the graduation ceremony held on March 23, 2018. The Dean’s Award is given by Dean Okubo to excellent students who made distinguished academic achievements.
You are always welcome to our laboratory tours for newly 4th grade students. We are planning to briefly introduce our laboratory, a quastion and Answer period and Microscopy tours. Please feel free to join us!
Please call or email to Assistant Professor Ryo Ishikawa.
Phone 03-5841-7723, 7688, 7689
We are holding our laboratory tours for newly 4th grade students for the following date. We are planning to briefly introduce our laboratory, a quastion and Answer period and Microscopy tours. Please feel free to join us!
Date | Day | Hour |
February 19 | Mon | 13:00~15:00 |
February 20 | Tue | 13:00~15:00 |
February 21 | Wed | 13:00~15:00 |
Place: Room 415, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 9 at Asano Section. |
Dr. Kumamoto was awarded the 2017 excellent technical award of Nanotechnology Platform Japan (NTPJ) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT).
Professor Ikuhara will recieve "The 2018 Hatsujiro Hashimoto Medal" from IFSM(International Federation of Societies for Microscopy). The Award Ceremony will take place at the IFSM Symposiumon on the Friday morning of IMC19 at Sydney and will again consist of special talks to be given by the winners of the IFSM Medals.
Dr. Zhang Wei came our group as a project researcher on February 1st.
Prof Kim Young-Wook, Functional Ceramics Laboratory, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Seoul, gave a lecture on “Electrical Properties of Liquid-Phase Sintered Silicon Carbide Ceramics” for us.
Former associate professor Naoya Shibata was appointed to a professorship at the Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo on December 1st,2017.
Professor Radi Holmestad, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU), gave a lecture on “Utilizing smart data analysis to get the most out of TEM result” for us.
Professor Yuichi Ikuhara will receive the award of the Hattori Hokokai Fundation. The Nikkankogyo Shinbun reported.
Yang Chuchu, a Doctoral Course student from China, joined our group, October 1st, 2017.
Professor Juergen Roedel, Institute of Materials Science, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany gave a lecture on "Mechanically tuned conductivity:dislocations and potential barriers" for us.
Shun Sasano, a master's course student, won the outstunding student lecturer award at the 30th Fall Meeting ot the Ceramic Society of Japan, September 20th, 2017.
Our group and JEOL developed highest resolution electron microscope. The Nikkei Shinbun, one of national newspaper, reported the story. Prof. Ikuhara and others presented the scientific papers at Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 Meeting held in USA.
Dr. Nakayama came our group as a project researcher on August 1st.
Professor Joanne Etheridge and Associate Professor Laure Bourgeois of Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy, Monash University gave lectures on "Revealing nanostructures using focused electron beams" and "Probing interfacial structure and phase transformations in embedded nano-crystals" for us.
Dr. Feng Bin was rised to Assistant Professor as of July 1st.
Professor Keith Mcknna, University of York and Professor Scott D. Findlay, Monash University gave lectures on "Grain boundaries and dislocations in metal-oxide materials" and "Explorations in quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy" for us.
Dr. Scott D. Findlay and Dr. Gabriel Sanchez Santolino came home again. We enjoyed a welcome barbecue evening.
Dr. Kawahara came our group as a project researcher on June 1st, 2017.
We directly visualize that the electric field distribution (blurred by the sub-A size electron probe) drastically changes within the single Au atom in a shape that relates to the spatial variation of total charge density within the atom.
The University of Tokyo- Chalmers University of Technology workshop held at Sanjyo Conference Hall, Univ. of Tokyo in March 30-31 was satisfactorily completed.
Our laboratory accepted three fourth year undergraduate students, a project researcher and an exchange program student from the new school term.
It was decided that Dr. Kumamoto and a master’s student Higashi would win the Excellent Photographic Awards of the Ceramics Society of Japan.
Dr. Feng Bin won the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Metallography Award (Fine Work Prize) at the 2017 Annual Spring Meeting.
Professor Claude Delmas of Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensee de Bordeaux, Centre national de la recherche scientifique visited our institute and gave a lecture on“From solid state chemistry to Battery materials Electrochemistry: a tool for Solid State Chemistry” for us.
Prof. Eva Olsson of Chalmers University of Technology who have stayed at UT as JSPS Invitation Fellowship gave a lecture on“In situ TEM studies of electrical, mechanical and thermal properties” for us.
University of Tokyo-Chalmers University of Technology Workshop on Advanced Materials and Transmission Electron Microscopy will be held March 30-31, 2017 at the Sanjo-Kaikan, University of Tokyo.
University of Tokyo-Chalmers University of Technology Workshop on Advanced Materials and Transmission Electron Microscopy will be held March 30-31, 2017 at the Sanjo-Kaikan, University of Tokyo.
We hold our laboratory tours for newly 4th grade students for the following date. We are planning to briefly introduce our laboratory, a quastion and Answer period and Microscopy tours. Please feel free to join us!
Date | Day | Hour |
February 22 | Wed | 10:00~12:00 |
February 23 | Thu | 10:00~12:00 13:00~15:00 |
February 24 | Fri | 10:00~12:00 13:00~15:00 |
February 28 | Tue | 13:00~15:00 |
Place: Room 415, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 9 at Asano Section. |
Professor Yuichi Ikuhara will receive Medal with Purple Ribbon from the Government. The Cabinet Office issued on November 3rd. The Award Ceremony will be held on November 15th and he have an audience with the Emperor.
Dr. Kumamoto and Dr, Tochigi got 1st place winner in TEM & STEM class of Ceramographic Competition, The American Ceramic Society at MS & T 2016 Meeting held in Salt Lake City, U.S.A.
Professor Nigel D. Browning (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.) and Doctor Layla B. Mehdi (ditto) visited us. Prof. Browning and Dr. Mehdi gave lectures on "Imaging Dynamic Materials Processes by Transmission Electron Microscopy" and “Understanding the Effect of Additives in Li-ion and Li-Sulfur Batteries by Operando ec-(S)TEM” for us.
Dr. Ishikawa won the Albert Crewe Award, Dr. Feng Bin and Dr. Gabriel Sanchez-Santolino won M & M Postdoctoral Scholar Awards at Microscopy & Microanalysis 2016 Meeting, Columbus, Ohio on July 25, 2016.
Professor Yuichi Ikuhara was awarded the title of the Fellow by Ceramics Society of Japan on June 3, 2016.
Dr. Kumamoto and Dr. Kondo won the excellent photographic Award of the ceramics society of Japan on May 18, 2016.
Professor Huang Rong(East China Normal University) visited our loboratory and collaborate with us. He gave lecture on "Atomic-scale Evolution of Nanoprecipitates in Advanced Functional Materials" for us.
Professor James LeBeau(North Carolina State University) and Professor Alp Sehirlioglu(Case Western Reserve University) visited us. Prof. LeBeau and Prof. Sehirlioglu gave lectures on "A New Spin on Characterizing Dielctric Materials with Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy" and "Surface and interface composition in LAO/STO hetero-interface" for us.
The Robert B. Sosman Award is the highest recognition of scientific accomplishment given by the Basic Science Division and is given in recognition of outstanding achievement in basic science of an area that results in a significant impact to the field of ceramics.
The awardee presents a plenary lecture at the ACerS Annual Meeting, and receives a certificate commemorating the event and a piece of glassware. The lecture is given each year by the awardee who has been deemed by the award committee to have made the most significant contribution to the field of ceramics.
Research Associate Ryo Ishikawa won The 25th Young Researcher Award of The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials.
Dr. Chen in Tohoku Univ. recieved Picture Award in Japna Ceramic Society
Mr. Nao Ikemoto in our lab. awarded "the Best Poster Award" at "65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry".
Mr. Issei Sugiyama in our lab. awarded "28th Advanced Technology Award, Nippon Broadcasting System award".
Mr. Shun Kondo in our lab. awarded "Masumoto-awards Silver Award in 2nd nanostructure-property relationships young scientist meeting".
Mr. Issei Sugiyama in our lab. awarded "28th Advanced Technology Award, Nippon Broadcasting System award".
Prof. C. Barry Carter from Univ. connecticut visited our lab.
Dr. Kumamoto awarded the Excellent Poster Award at "kyouyou, keisoku goudou simposium".
Prof. Naoya Shibata appeared on TV show "The Most Useful School In The World"(NTV).
Prof. E. Olsson from Chalmers University and Prof. J. Janek from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology visited our lab.
A research about controlling and revealing dislocation core structures is published in Nature Communications.
Dr. Maria Varela from Oak Ridge National Labolatory and Prof. Mar Oxley from Vanderbilt University visited our lab.
Prof. Naoya Shibata awarded Sir Martin Wood award.
Prof. Wenzheng Zhang from Tsinghua University visited our lab.
Mr. Ichita Yamamoto, minister of State for Special Missions visited nanotechnology platform.
Prof. S. M. Allen of MIT visited our lab.
Prof. Doh-Yeon Kim (Former chair of Korea Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology) is visiting Institute of Engineering Innovations till June 30th, 2014 as a fellow of Dep. Eng.
Mr. Kohei Kato and Mr. Masahiro Sakai awarded Masumoto award.
Prof. Andreas M. Glaeser from UC Berkley is visiting our lab. till November 18th as a JSPS invited professor.
>Prof. Yukio Sato awarded progress award of ceramic sosciety of Japan
Mr. Shunsuke Kobayashi awarded picture award and presentation award of ceramics society of Japan
Dr. Yimei Zhu from Brookhaven National Labolatory visited our lab.
Dr. Mrovec from Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of materials visited our lab.
Mr. Shun Kondo awarded poster award of International symposium on Strength of Fine Graind Materials.
Prof. Martha Macartney from University of California, Irvine visited our lab.
Prof. Ikuhara awarded The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Dr. Q. Ramesse from Super STEM visited our lab.
Prof. G. Botton from McMaster visited our lab.
Prof. Y.M. Chiang from MIT visited our lab.
Prof. A.E. Romanov from Russian Academy of Science visited our lab.
Guests from Nelson Mandela University visited our lab.
N. Shibata et al.,Differential phase-contrast microscopy at atomic resolution, Nature Physics.(N. Shibata, et al., Nature Phys., 8 (2012) 611-615)。This result is also reported by Nikkan Kougyo Shimbun 、 Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun
The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Microscopy and Theoretical >Calculations (AMTC3) was held from May 11 to 13, 2012.
The news of book review from Prof. Yuichi Ikuhara was reported by Nikkan Kougyou Shimbun.The related news is here
Assoc Prof. Shibata awarded a young scientist award from minister of MEXT Japan.
Eita Tochigi, the OB of our lab, was awarded 「37th Best Photo Award of the Ceramic Society of Japan」.
3.Eita Tochigi、Yuki Kezuka、Naoya Shibata、Yuichi Ikuhara、Atsutomo Nakamura. 37th Best Photo Award of the Ceramic Society of Japan、2012.3.20
Dr. Wang from Ikuhara lab in Tohoku Univ, was awarded 「Excellent Paper Award」from the Ceramic Society of Japan.
Zhongchang WANG, Mitsuhiro SAITO, Susumu TSUKIMOTO and Yuichi IKUHARA、「Excellent Paper Award」from the Ceramic Society of Japan
The research done by Nagoya Univ, Tokyo Inst of Tech and The Univ of Tokyo, was published on Advanced Materials.(H.Ohta et al., Adv. Mater. (2012) 201103809)The news was reported by Nikkan Kougyou Shimbun
Teng-Yuan Chang(D3) was awarded 「Presentation Award」in GRI Symposium III on Cluster Science, Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, January 1-3, 2012