Takehito Seki
Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering
PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Yayoi 2-11-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 113-8656
Phone +81-3-5841-7689
Fax +81-3-5841-7694
mail: seki sigma.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp(please insert @ instead of space)
2021 - JST PRESTO (Concurrent position).
2019 - Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo.
2015 - 2019 Poctdoctoral Fellow, The University of Tokyo.
2014 - 2015 JSPS Research Fellowship (PD)
2013 - 2014 JSPS Research Fellowship (DC2)
2011 - 2014 Ph.D. The University of Tokyo
STEM Imaging Using a Segmented Detector
Complex metallic alloy
Peer Review Papers
- S. Toyama, T. Seki, Y. Kanitani, Y. Kudo, S. Tomiya, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Real-space observation of a two-dimensional electron gas at semiconductor heterointerfaces",
Nature Nanotechnology .
- T. Seki, K. Khare, Y. O. Murakami, S. Toyama, G. Sánchez-Santolino, H. Sasaki, S. D. Findlay, T. C. Petersen, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Linear imaging theory for differential phase contrast and other phase imaging modes in scanning transmission electron microscopy",
Ultramicroscopy 240 (2022) 113580.
- S. Toyama, T. Seki, Y. Kanitani, Y. Kudo, S. Tomiya, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative electric field mapping in semiconductor heterostructures via tilt-scan averaged DPC STEM",
Ultramicroscopy 238 (2022) 113538.
- T. Mawson, D. Taplin, H. Brown, L. Clark, R. Ishikawa, T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, D. Paganin, M. Morgan, M. Weyland, T. Petersen, S. Findlay, "Factors limiting quantitative phase retrieval in atomic-resolution differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy using a segmented detector",
Ultramicroscopy 233 (2022) 113457.
- Y. Kohno, T. Seki, S. D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Real-space visualization of intrinsic magnetic fields of an antiferromagnet",
Nature 602 (2022) 234-239.
- R. Tamura, A. Ishikawa, S. Suzuki, T. Kotajima, Y. Tanaka, T. Seki, N. Shibata, T. Yamada, T. Fujii, C. Wang, M. Avdeev, K. Nawa, D. Okuyama, T. J. Sato, "Experimental Observation of Long-Range Magnetic Order in Icosahedral Quasicrystals",
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (2021) 19938-19944.
- T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Toward quantitative electromagnetic field imaging by differential-phase-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy",
Microscopy 70 (2021) 148-160.
- D. G. Hopkinson, T. Seki, N. Clark, R. Chen, Y. Zou, A. Kimura, R. V. Gorbachev, T. Thomson, N. Shibata, S. J. Haigh, "Nanometre imaging of Fe3GeTe2 ferromagnetic domain walls",
Nanotechnology 32 (2021) 205703.
- H. Zeng, T. Takahashi, T. Seki, M. Kanai, G. Zhang, T. Hosomi, K. Nagashima, N. Shibata, T. Yanagida, "Oxygen-Induced Reversible Sn-Dopant Deactivation between Indium Tin Oxide and Single-Crystalline Oxide Nanowire Leading to Interfacial Switching",
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 52929-52936.
- K. Ooe, T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Ultra-high contrast STEM imaging for segmented/pixelated detectors by maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio",
Ultramicroscopy 220 (2021) 113133.
- Y. O. Murakami, T. Seki, A. Kinoshita, T. Shoji, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Magnetic-structure imaging in polycrystalline materials by specimen-tilt series averaged DPC STEM",
Microscopy 69 (2020) 312-320.
- S. Toyama, T. Seki, S. Anada, H. Sasaki, K. Yamamoto, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative electric field mapping of a p–n junction by DPC STEM",
Ultramicroscopy 216 (2020) 113033.
- K. Nakamura, T. Takahashi, T. Hosomi, T. Seki, M. Kanai, G. Zhang, K. Nagashima, N. Shibata, T. Yanagida, "Redox-Inactive CO2 Determines Atmospheric Stability of Electrical Properties of ZnO Nanowire Devices through a Room-Temperature Surface Reaction",
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 40260-40266.
- N. Shibata, Y. Kohno, A. Nakamura, S. Morishita, T. Seki, A. Kumamoto, H. Sawada, T. Matsumoto, S. D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic resolution electron microscopy in a magnetic field free environment",
Nature Communications 10 (2019) 2308.
- K. Ooe, T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "High contrast STEM imaging for light elements by an annular segmented detector"
Ultramicroscopy 202 (2019) 148-155.
- H. Anzai, T. Takahashi, M. Suzuki, M. Kanai, G. Zhang, T. Hosomi, T. Seki, K. Nagashima, N. Shibata, T. Yanagida, "Unusual Oxygen Partial Pressure Dependence of Electrical Transport of Single-Crystalline Metal Oxide Nanowires Grown by the Vapor–Liquid–Solid Process"
Nano Letters 19 (2019) 1675-1681.
- R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, T. Seki, G. Sanchez-Santlino, Y. Kohno, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Direct electric field imaging of graphene defects"
Nature Communications 9 (2018) 3878.
- G. Sánchez-Santolino, N.R. Lugg, T. Seki, R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, Y. Kohno, Y. Kanitani, S. Tanaka, S. Tomiya, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Probing the Internal Atomic Charge Density Distributions in Real Space"
ACS Nano 12 (2018) 8875–8881.
- T. Seki, N. Takanashi, E. Abe, "Integrated contrast-treansfer-function for aberration-corrected phase-contrast"
Ultramicroscopy 194 (2018) 193-198.
- T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata,"Theoretical Framework of Statistical Noise in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
Ultramicroscopy 193 (2018) 118-125.
- C. Chen, H. Li, T. Seki, D. Yin, G. Sanchez-Santolino, K. Inoue, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara,"Direct Determination of Atomic Structure and Magnetic Coupling of Magnetite Twin Boundaries"
ACS Nano 12 (2018) 2662-2668.
- N. Shibata, S.D. Findlay, T. Matsumoto, Y. Kohno, T. Seki, G. Sánchez-Santolino, Y. Ikuhara, "Direct Visualization of Local Electromagnetic Field Structures by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
Accounts of Chemical Research 50 (2017) 1502.
- A.Ishizuka, M. Oka, T. Seki, N. Shibata, K. Ishizuka,"Boundary-artifact-free determination of potential distribution from differential phase contrast signals"
Microscopy 66 (2017) 397-405.
- T. Seki, G.S. Santolino, R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative electric field mapping in thin specimens using a segmented detector: revisiting the transfer function for differential phase contrast"
Ultramicroscopy 182 (2017) 258.
- H. Anzai, M. Suzuki, K. Nagashima, M. Kanai, Z. Zhu, Y. He, M. Boudot, G. Zhang, T. Takahashi, K. Kanemoto, T.Seki, N. Shibata, T. Yanagida, "True Vapor–Liquid–Solid Process Suppresses Unintentional Carrier Doping of Single Crystalline Metal Oxide Nanowires"
Nano Letters 17 (2017) 4698.
- N. Shibata, T. Seki, G.S. Santolino, S.D. Findlay, Y. Kohno, T. Matsumoto, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, "Electric field imaging of single atoms"
Nature Communications 8 (2017) 15631.
- T. Seki, E. Abe, "Local cluster symmetry of a highly ordered quasicrystalline Al58Cu26Ir16 extracted through multivariate analysis of STEM images",
Microscopy 64 (2015) 241.
Review Articles
- T. Seki, Y. Kohno, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Atomic-scale Magnetic Field Imaging by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
固体物理 58 (2023) 21-27.
- Y. Kohno, T. Seki, S. Morishita, N. Shibata, "Development of an Atomic-Resolution Magnetic-Field-Free Electron Microscope and Observation of Atomic Magnetic Fields",
Kenbikyo 57 (2022) 131-138.
- B. Feng, J. Wei, R. Ishikawa, T. Seki, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Crystal Defect Core Studied by Advanced Electron Microscopy",
Materia Japan 61 (2022) 640-644.
- K. Ooe, T. Seki, Y. Kohno, A. Nakamura, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Low-dose Atomic-resolution Imaging Using OBF STEM",
Kenbikyo 57 (2022) 49-53.
- S. Toyama, T. Seki, Y. Kanitani, S. Tomiya, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "The Observation of Local Electric Fields in GaN/AlGaN/InGaN Multi-heterostructures by Differential Phase Contrast STEM",
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 142 (2022) 367-372.
- T. Seki, G. Sánchez-Santolino, R.Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Theory of Atomic-Resolution Differential Phase Contrast STEM",
Kenbikyo 52 (2017) 8.
- E. Abe, D. Egusa, R. Ishikawa and T. Seki, "Ultrahigh-Resolution STEM Analysis of Complex Compounds",
JEOL News 45 (2010) 20.
Conference Proceedings
- S. Findlay, L. Allen, H. Brown, Z. Chen, J. Ciston, Y. Ikuhara, R. Ishikawa, C. Ophus, G. Sánchez-Santolino, T. Seki, N. Shibata, M. Weyland, "Phase-Contrast-Based Structure Retrieval Methods in Atomic Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy – When They Hold and When They Don't",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 26 (2020) 442-443.
- Y. O. Murakami, T. Seki, A. Kinoshita, T. Shoji, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "New Magnetic Structure Imaging Techniques in Polycrystalline Materials by DPC STEM",
Microscopy, 68, (2019), i36..
- T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Iterative Algorithm of Atomic Potential Reconstruction Based on DPC Signal from Thick Specimens",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (2019) 60-61.
- K. Ooe, T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Light Element Imaging Technique at Low Dose Condition by Processing Simultaneously Obtained STEM Images Using a Segmented Detector",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (2019) 484-485.
- T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Iterative Potential Reconstruction Method based on DPC signal from thick specimens",
AMTC Letters 6 (2019) 46-47.
- K. Ooe, T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Low Dose STEM Imaging Technique for Light Element Atoms by Processing Images Simultaneously Obtained by a Segmented Detector",
AMTC Letters 6 (2019) 25-27.
- S. Toyama, T. Seki, H. Sasaki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Electric field quantification method for a p-n junction by DPC STEM",
AMTC Letters 6 (2019) 20-21.
- Y. Murakami, T. Seki, A. Kinoshita, T. Shoji, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Development of Magnetic Structure Imaging Techniques in Polycrystalline Materials by DPC STEM",
AMTC Letters 6 (2019) 48-49.
- T. Seki, G.S. Santolino, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative Relation Between Differential Phase Contrast Images Obtained by Segmented and Pixelated Detectors"
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (2017) 440.
- A. Ishizuka, M. Oka, K. Ishizuka, T. Seki, N. Shibata, "Numerical Procedures to determine Potential Distribution from Electronic Field Vectors observed in Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) imaging",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (2017) 34-35.
- G. Sanchez-Santolino, T. Seki, N. Lugg, R. Ishikawa, D. J. Taplin, S. D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative Atomic Resolution Differential Phase Contrast Imaging Using a Segmented Area All Field Detector",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (2016) 504-505.
- N. Shibata, S. Findlay, T. Matsumoto, T. Seki, G. Sánchez-Santolino, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, H. Sasaki, Y. So, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, "Direct Electromagnetic Structure Observation by Aberration-corrected Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (2016) 906-907.
- G. Sanchez-Santolino, T. Seki, N.R. Lugg, R. Ishikawa, D.J. Taplin, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata "Characterization of Electromagnetic Fields by Atomic Resolution Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
AMTC Letters 5 (2016) 242-243.
- D. J. Taplin, R. Ishikawa, T. Seki, H. Sawada, M. Weyland, N. Shibata, S. D. Findlay, "Differential Phase Contrast Imaging using a Segmented Detector",
AMTC Letters 5 (2016) 24-25.
- T. Seki, E. Abe, "Direct observations of local electronic states in an Al-based quasicrystal by STEM-EELS",
Microscopy 63 (2014) i17.
- T. Seki, E. Abe and S.J. Pennycook, "Quantitative Analysis of Point Defects in an Ideal Quasicrystal with Aberration- Corrected STEM and First-Principles Calculations”,
AMTC Letters 2 (2010) 194.
- E. Abe, T. Seki, S. Pennycook, "Quantitative Analysis of Point Defects in an Ideal Quasicrystal by Aberration-Corrected Z-Contrast STEM",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 15 (2009) 772-773.
- (Domestic) 関岳人, 「DPC STEMによる機能コアの高分解能電磁場観察」
新学術領域研究「機能コアの材料科学」若手講演会, Augast 1, 2023.
- T. Seki, N. Shibata, "Advanced Phase Imaging in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies, June 15, 2023.
- T. Seki, N. Shibata, "Direct Electromagnetic Field Imaging at Defects by Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
4th Japan-Canada Microscopy Societies Workshop, June 11, 2023.
- (Domestic) 関岳人, 「分割型検出器を用いたSTEM法の開発と応用 」
日本顕微鏡学会関東支部講演会, March 7, 2023.
- (Domestic) 関岳人, 「無磁場原子分解能STEMによる原子・磁気構造解析」
日本顕微鏡学会超高分解能顕微鏡法分科会, March 3, 2023.
- (Domestic) 関岳人, 「走査透過電子顕微鏡法の開発とハイパーマテリアルへの応用 」
第27回ハイパーマテリアルセミナー, January 12, 2023.
- T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Theory and Applications of Phase Imaging in STEM Using a Segmented Detector"
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy May 10, 2022.
- T. Seki, K. Ooe, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Ultra-high contrast imaging in scanning transmission electron microscopy"
Monash/Melbourne Imaging and Optical Physics Seminar, July 13, 2021
- (Domestic) T. Seki, K. Ooe, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Theory and Applications of STEM Phase Imaging"
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy, June 16, 2021.
- (Domestic) T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Theory and Applications of STEM Phase Imaging"
63rd JSM Symposium, November 20, 2020.
- (Domestic) T. Seki, G. Sánchez-Santolino,R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Basics of electromagnetic field quantification by DPC"
日本顕微鏡学会分析電子顕微鏡討論会, September 3, 2019.
- (Domestic) T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Iterative Potential Reconstrcution by DPC STEM"
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy, May 31, 2018.
- (Domestic) T. Seki, G. Sánchez-Santolino,R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Current Status and Future Prospects of Electromagnetic Field Quantification by Differential Phase Contrast"
日本顕微鏡学会超高分解能顕微鏡法分科会研究会, February 24, 2018 .
- Mar.2023, AnPang Tsai Award, Quasicrystals meeting
- May 2022, Encouragement Award, The Japanese Society of Microscopy
- March 2021, Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, Kazato Research Foundation
- May 2019, Award for Scientific Paper (Fundamentals), The Japanese Society of Microscopy.
- May 2017, Award for Scientific Paper (Materials), The Japanese Society of Microscopy.
- Sep. 2013, Best Poster Prize, 12th International Conference on Quasicrystals.
- AMay 2011, Young Scientist Award, The 6th Asian International Workshop on Quasicrystal.